Saturday, October 30, 2010

2010 Strides Breaset Cancer Walk

The kids and I participated in the 2010 Strides Breast Cancer walk on 10/30/2010. The boys have titled it "Our 5K for Nana". (Our cousin, Nancy Kautz - Breast cancer survivor). They kids all did a really great job and the boys walked the entire 5K!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 2010

We're having a busy month!

Brian and I are just finishing midterms which always makes the household a bit more crazy. Grandma and Aunt Amy came for a visit last weekend (Oct 9th)! We got our Halloween costumes, celebrated Griff's b-day and had a campfire and had s'mores!

Griffin's school had fall fest on 10/15 which the kids had a blast at. They played games, ate a ton, went on a hayride, saw Griffin's friends and teacher, and played on the playground.

Garrett's school had his during the school day today and Mommy and Kennedy got to go too! They had fun playing at the petting zoo and Garrett got to go pumpkin picking!

Kennedy is talking up a storm now! She's into everything and the most curious out of the three by far.

We're enjoying this beautiful fall weather we've been having and looking forward to Halloween!

Garrett's Fall Fest at Washington - 10/21/2010

Garrett and Kennedy had a blast at Garrett's Fall Fest!

Searching for spiders in hay stacks!

Garrett with his friends Ka

Petting Zoo!


Pumpkin picking!

Garrett having snacktime with his friends!

Garrett's class!

Kennedy and her buddy Robert hanging out!